Category Archives: Strategy

CCIE Collab- Test Day experience

If you are sitting the CCIE Collab v1 lab for the first time, take a look at this video to familiarize yourself with the live testing environment.

5-phase approach strategy for the CCIE Collaboration Lab Exam

The blue print that can be found on the Cisco website here reveals that the exam is divided up into 7 sections. I would consider Sections 1-3 as being the foundational core of the test.  In sections 4-7 we build upon the foundations we set up in the first three sections. It’s also worth pointing out that sections 1-3 comprise 70% of the exam. In this article the lab exam is broken down into 5 distinct p

Phase 1: Campus Infrastructure (30 mins)

In addition to a 30 minute lunch break, there are 8 hours of time allocated for each candidate to complete the assigned tasks. The cost to sit the exam is $1600 (not including taxes that need to be paid in some testing centers). That equates to $3.33 per minute. For every minute you waste being idle, that is over $3 down the drain. Unless you like throwing money away then try and maximize productivity especially at the beginning of the day. This will have a big bearing on how well you are going to score.

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